Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Milkmaid and Her Pail: Exercise

Expressions and Words Used In The Story
1. frock
- an old-fashioned term for dress
- a long loose piece of clothing with sleeves that some priests and monks wear

2. jealous
- slightly angry because someone else has something you would like

3. occur
- to happen, most of the time unexpectedly

Grab a sheet of paper and answer the following questions.

1. What was the Milkmaid doing?
2. What was she imagining?
3. Why did her milk spill?

Want to look back? Go back to the story.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Ant and The Grasshopper: Exercise

Expressions and Words Used In The Story
1. to its heart's content
- to one's complete inner satisfaction
- to someone's complete happiness

2. chat
- to have a casual conversation
- to talk in a friendly way

3. moiling
- requiring hard work
- industrious

4. to lay up
- to get and keep a supply of something such as food to use in the future

Grab a sheet of paper and answer the following questions.
1. What was the Grasshopper doing when the Ant was trying to lay up food?
2. What was the food for?
3. Have you ever tried to save for an emergency? What did you do?

Want to look back? Go back to the story.

The Miser and His Gold: Exercise

Expressions and Words Used In The Story
1. gloat
- to show that you are happy and proud at your own success or at someone else's failure

2. decamp
- to leave a place in order to live or work somewhere else

3. raised such an outcry
- protested angrily in a very loud volume

Grab a sheet of paper and answer the following questions.

1. What does the Miser do every weekend?
2. Does he ever take out anything from the foot of the tree?
3. Explain the saying: Wealth unused might as well not exist.

Want to look back? Go back to the story.

The Lion And The Mouse: Exercise

Expressions and Words Used In The Story
1. tickled with an idea
- When someone is tickled with an idea, it means they find it unreal and funny.

2. pardon
- to forgive someone
- to excuse someone

3. plight
- a sad, difficult situation

4. gnaw
- to keep biting something

Grab a sheet of paper and answer the following questions.
1. What was the Lion doing when the Mouse came?
2. Did the Lion believe the Mouse can help him?
3. Who caught the Lion?
4. How did the Mouse help the Lion?

Want to look back? Go back to the story.